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Adopting a child or children is such an important step for you and the child or children. For the child and children, this often of huge importance. Adoption recognises the love their parent has for them as a child and provides security confining that they are your family. We are delighted to assist. 


Adoption is a legal process whereby a new status of parent and child is created. These proceedings are strictly confidential. Adoption will give the Adopter or Adopters parental rights and responsibilities in relation to the child or children. An application can be made by (a) a couple who are married to each other; (b) a couple who are civil partners; (c) a couple living together, either as husband and wife or as civil partners in an enduring relationship.


Generally, the child or children must be under the age of 18 years to be adopted, but an Adoption Order may be granted for a child over 18 if the application was made before the child attains the age of 18. An Adoption Order cannot be made for a child over 12 years of age unless the child consents (unless the Court is satisfied that the child is incapable of consenting). The views of the child will be taken by a Curator Ad Litem and Reporting Officer appointed by the Court, who reports back to the Court. If the Court, after full consideration of the evidence, considers that it is in the best interests of the child and the child's welfare that the Adoption Order be granted, the dissenting parent's consent can be dispensed with.


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